Myofascial Release as a Self Care Tool

Posted on March 29th, 2023.

Myofascial restrictions often go unrecognized in health care because they do not show up in any of the standard testing, like X-rays, CT scans, and blood work, for example, whether we’re talking acute or chronic conditions.

These restrictions can also cause immense stress in many people and produce tensile strengths of crushing pressure of up to approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain-sensitive structures. Oftentimes, a scenario where the body is continually fighting itself, affecting everything from chronic pain to decreased mobility to sleep quality, is created.

As massage therapists, we are always working to help our clients resolve a variety of issues, from pain to stress to acute or chronic injury. But we can’t forget that we, too, need care and are just as human as our clients, with some of the same experiences, some of the same stresses and some of the same trauma.

Myofascial release is one way to help your clients break the pattern and more reliably access calm and reinforce their wellbeing. But myofascial release can also help you take better care of yourself.

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